Ballina Community Men's Shed Incorporated

Ballina Community Men's Shed Incorporated is a vibrant and dynamic not-for-profit organisation that strives to create a positive and engaging environment for men of all ages and backgrounds to come together, share their skills and passions, and build strong connections within the community. By offering a wide range of activities - from woodworking and metalworking to gardening and art - the organisation cultivates a creative and collaborative atmosphere where individuals are encouraged to contribute their unique talents and experiences in a supportive and inclusive setting. Driven by its commitment to empower men and promote mental well-being, Ballina Community Men's Shed plays a crucial role in addressing social isolation and fostering a sense of purpose among its members. As an employee of the organisation, you will have the opportunity to make a meaningful impact on the lives of the Shed's members and the wider community, as well as broaden your own personal and professional horizons. If you are passionate about working towards a greater good and want to be part of a team dedicated to improving the lives of others, Ballina Community Men's Shed is the perfect place to apply your skills, nurture your aspirations, and make a lasting difference in the community.