Bay Theatre Players Incorporated

Bay Theatre Players Incorporated (BTP) is an exciting non-profit organisation that opens its doors to individuals seeking to explore their creativity and connect with a vibrant community of like-minded people. With a rich legacy in the thriving world of community theater, BTP offers an exceptional platform for individuals interested in pursuing the performing arts, while also providing a welcoming environment to alleviate stress from work, school or life in general. As a valued member at, you can choose from an assortment of engaging activities, including workshops, play explorations, auditions for various roles, volunteering backstage or front of house, or simply enjoying the outstanding productions as an audience member. Your unique talents and skills will be cherished as part of BTP's close-knit community, where everyone is welcome regardless of their background or experience. With a vision to inspire creativity and spark growth, participation at Bay Theatre Players Inc. goes beyond the stage. Members take an active role in supporting each other, growing together, and promoting a shared passion for the performing arts. So, apply now and discover your creative spark with Bay Theatre Players Incorporated!