Lymphoedema Association Of Qld Inc

Lymphoedema Association of Queensland Inc. (LAQ), a not-for-profit organisation, is dedicated to improving the lives of those affected by lymphoedema. They offer essential support, resources, and education programs to empower individuals living with this difficult condition. As a values-driven organisation, LAQ emphasizes knowledge, compassion, and collaboration in providing the best possible service to its community. Joining this organisation means becoming part of a passionate team committed to making a measurable impact on people's lives – helping individuals manage the symptoms of lymphoedema while raising awareness and reducing the stigma associated with this condition. LAQ offers a warm, supportive work environment committed to professional growth, innovation, and the ongoing improvement of their services. So, if you're inspired to use your skills and talents to make a real difference in people's lives, join the Lymphoedema Association of Queensland Inc. and be a part of a team driven by hope, healing, and compassion. With your help, LAQ looks forward to creating a lasting, positive impact on the lives of those affected by lymphoedema.