St George Historical Society Inc

St George Historical Society Inc. is a vibrant not-for-profit organisation committed to preserving and promoting the rich history of the St George District in New South Wales, Australia. Founded in 1961, this organisation continually engages with the community through its stimulating events, educational programs, and valuable research services. As a team member of St George Historical Society, you have the chance to contribute your unique skills and passion towards a meaningful purpose. The Society is proudly powered by its dedicated volunteers, who collaborate closely to bring history to life for the benefit of members, affiliated societies, and the broader public. By working with St George Historical Society, you become part of a nurturing environment that fosters collaboration, growth, and personal development in line with the Society's values. You can expect to be enriched by a range of activities, including hosting exhibitions at the New South Wales State Heritage-listed Lydham Hall Historic House and Museum, producing the Our History magazine, and maintaining an extensive library and museum collection. By joining this diverse and driven community, you have the unique opportunity to be at the heart of capturing and sharing captivating stories that shape the cultural identity of the St George District — ultimately inspiring generations to come.