The Trustee For The Hawkesbury Living Cancer Trust

Hawkesbury Living Cancer Trust (HLCT) is a dedicated and compassionate nonprofit organisation focused on positively impacting the lives of cancer patients in their community. Established under the guidance of CEO Ms. Kimberley Talbot, the trust has grown steadily through the unwavering support of the Richmond Club Board and local community members. HLCT's mission was to provide a chemotherapy unit within the Hawkesbury district, which it successfully achieved. By partnering with renowned healthcare institutions such as St. John of God HealthCare's Hawkesbury Hospital and Nepean Cancer Care Centre, the trust offers a four-chair chemotherapy unit, run by the centre and supported by the hospital. Thanks to the trust's ongoing fundraising efforts and annual contributions, the service remains viable for patients in the area. Joining the passionate team at Hawkesbury Living Cancer Trust means becoming part of a values-driven organisation that aims to make a lasting difference in the lives of cancer patients. By working alongside like-minded professionals, dedicated Trustees, and generous supporters, you'll have the opportunity to create meaningful change in a community that genuinely appreciates and values your efforts. So, come be a part of the amazing journey that HLCT has embarked upon to build a brighter, healthier future for Hawkesbury residents.